Notarial actions

Our Notary Office renders services to individuals and legal entities with regard to commitment of notarial actions in the frames of the Russian Federation legislation. At our Notary Office located not far from metro stations Vystavochnaya and Mezhdunarodnaya you may obtain all kinds of notarial services.


At our Notary Office you may enter to all kinds of transactions stipulated by the effective legislation, as well as in relation to the real estate, located on the territory of Moscow, such as:

Multilateral transactions

1. Multilateral transactions

1.1. Agreements
• sale-purchase of immovable property
• donation of immovable property
• exchange of immovable property
• rent and life estate agreement
1.2. Agreement of uncompensated use
1.3. Mortgage
• mortgage of immovable property (hypothec)
• pledge of movable property
1.4. Preliminary agreement (with or without the deposit (advance))
1.5. Sale-purchase agreements or pledge of the shares in LLC
1.6. Marriage Contract
1.7. Loan Agreements
and others.

2. Agreements

2.1. Agreement on payment of the alimony
2.2. Agreement on separation of property between the spouses
2.3. Agreement on separation of hereditary property
and others.

Unilateral Transactions

1. Consents

1.1. Consent to travel a child abroad
1.2. Spouse consent for the execution of transactions
1.3. Consent to registration at residential premises
and others.

2. Renunciation

2.1. Non-participation in privatization
2.2. Renunciation from nationality
and other.

3. Testaments

4. Orders on revocation of the will

5. Powers of Attorney

5.1. Power of Attorney for disposal of transport means
5.2. Power of Attorney for representation of interests at organizations
5.3. Power of Attorney for privatization
5.4. Power of Attorney for disposal of the deposit, use of individual safe
5.5. Power of Attorney to process a case
5.6. Power of Attorney for receipt of documents
5.7. Power of Attorney to process the probate case
5.8. Power of Attorney for individual undertakers and legal entities
5.9. Power of Attorney for disposal of the whole property («General Power of Attorney»)
and other.

6. Obligations

6.1. On compensation of damages in the result of road traffic accident
6.2. On disposal of maternity (family) capital


In accordance with article 86 of the Basics of Legislation of the RF on Notariat the Notary transfers applications of citizens and legal entities to other citizens and legal entities.

Most often the transfer of application is mated in notarial practice with the execution of transaction on alienation of immovable property (article 250 of the Civil Code of the RF – notice of co-owner about the intent to sell the share in the common ownership right).

As well the Notary transfers the applications at certification of transactions regarding alienation (acquisition) of the shares in LLC:

- an application is filed to IFTS about state registration of termination (accrual) of the right of ownership for the share;
- a notice is filed to LLC about performed transaction, termination (accrual) of the right of ownership for the share.

Administering probate cases

Issue of Certificates of the right of heirdom for:

  • monetary deposits, compensations
  • insufficient receipt of pension
  • immovable property
  • the rest property

Certification of facts

  • certifies the fact of the person being alive
  • certifies the fact of the person staying in a definite place
  • certifies the identity of the citizen with the person imaged on the photo
  • certifies the time of producing the documents

Consultations of the Notary

At our Notary Office you may receive consultations of the notary and practical aid regarding the matters of registration of the transfer of the right of ownership for the real estate ( Registration of sale-purchase, donation, rent agreements, certificates and so on), as related to the objects located in Moscow, as well in relation of objects beyond its territory. We may also render assistance at collecting documents for execution of the heirdom or for execution of any transactions with the real estate.

Securing of evidence

Security of evidence is effected by the Notary in the order stipulated by the Russian Federation legislation, and namely, at request of interested persons our Notary Office secures evidence necessary if the case arises in the court or administrative body, if there are grounds to consider that presentation of evidence becomes thereafter impossible or difficult.

  • survey of the web-site
  • open letters
  • interrogation of witnesses

Notice of pledge of the movables

Our Notary Office performs the whole complex of actions connected with the Notice of pledge of the movables:

  • The Notary receives information from the pledger or the pledge holder about the pledge and enters all data about it to the Register of Notices of pledge of the movables of Notariat unified information system.
  • At request of any person the Notary issues an extract from the Register of Notices containing information about pledged property and the pledger.
  • The Notary operates exclusively in electronic form with legal entities – the holders of electronic digital signature, and mutual settlements will be executed in cashless form.

This is a new notarial action and our Notary would advise you with pleasure regarding all matters connected with its application.


Our Notary Office will assist you in protesting the bill. Protesting the bill is understood as official certification of the claim of payment and failure to receipt it. The protest of the bill (in non-payment, in non-accept, in failure to date the accept) – is a notarial action, aimed to provide protection of interests of the subjects of bill obligation.

  • Effects protest of the bill

File application to tax inspection

Dear Visitors, our Notary Office obtained the possibility to file electronic documents to tax inspection for state registration of legal entities and individual undertakers, agreement of alienation of shares of limited liability companies, as well as entry of amendments to details of legal entities and individual undertakers. In order to take the opportunity of this service you need to produce a full set of documents, including the receipt for payment of the state duty. 

We also make an inquiry and obtain information from Sberbank of Russia in electronic form regarding the search of bills of the testators.

We draw your attention to the fact that if you want to take occasion of this service at out Notary Office you need to make an appointment by phone of the Notary Office, having notified the operator about you intention to file documents to tax inspection in electronic form. The cost of the service includes the tariff for certification of authenticity of signature on the application (1200-1300 rubles) and the tariff for transfer of the application to the tax inspection in electronic form (1800-2300 rubles).

Certification of the authenticity of signature on documents, submitted to tax inspection.

At certification of the authenticity of signature of the founder on the forms Р11001 it is essential:

Presence of the founder in person, with valid passport or presence of the founder’s representative in person with valid passport, as well with the power of attorney certified by the notary to represent the interest at carrying out state registration of the organization. We draw your attention that the authorities are to be expressly specified in the text of the power of attorney to represent the interests of the founder at Notary Office, and the proxy is to be authorized to sign the appropriate forms of documents with specification of full name and number of the form). Besides mentioned above it is necessary to produce:

  1. Memorandum of Association or the Resolution about establishment of the organization.
  2. Draft of the Articles of Association of the organization.

We draw your attention that all documents are to be produced IN THE ORIGINAL

The document is prepared during 15-20 minutes.

At certification of the authenticity of the Applicant’s signature on forms Р12001, Р13001, Р14001, Р16001, Р17001 it is essential:

Presence of the Applicant, acting on behalf of the organization personally, with valid passport (if executive body acts as the applicant (director, general director and so on) or presence of the representative of the organization in person with valid passport, as well with the power of attorney certified by the notary to represent the interests of the organization at carrying out state registration of amendments to the constituent document of the organization. We draw your attention that the authorities are to be expressly specified in the text of the power of attorney to represent the interests of the organization at Notary Office, and the proxy is to be authorized to sign the appropriate forms of documents with specification of full name and number of the form). Besides mentioned above it is necessary to produce:

  1. The Articles of Association of the organization, registered with the tax inspection.
  2. Memorandum of Association (Resolution on establishment) of the organization.
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, with prescription not more than 5 business days (this restriction concerns only CJSC and OJSC), in other cases the extract is valid during 1 month.
  4. Certificate of state registration of the legal entity (OGRN).
  5. Registered amendments to constituent and foundation documents with attachment of all certificates of entry of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, connected with the amendments to constituent documents of the legal entity (GRN).
  6. Certificates of entry of amendments to Unified State Register of Legal Entities that are not connected with the entry of amendments to constituent documents of the legal entity (GRN).
  7. Certificate of registration with the tax body of the legal entity (INN).
  8. Information letter about registration from Goskomstat (statistics codes).
  9. Resolution (Minutes) on appointment of the general director (executive body).
  10. In the event of entry of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities it is necessary to produce the resolution (minutes) about entry of amendments, agreement of alienation (in the event of sale, donation and so on of the share in the authorized capital).

We draw your attention that all documents are to be produced IN THE ORIGINAL.

The document is prepared from 40 minutes to 1 hour.


Our Notary Office accepts to deposit the monetary sums and securities from the debtor and transfer them to the creditor. Accept to deposit of monetary sums and securities is effected by the Notary at place of execution of the obligation. Execution of this action by the debtor is possible only at availability of the grounds stipulated by the law, namely:

- absence of the creditor or the person authorized thereby to accept the execution at place where the obligation is to be executed;
- disability of the creditor and non-availability of his representative;
- evident lack of certainty who is the creditor with regard to the obligation, in particular in connection with the dispute concerning this matter between the creditor and other persons;
- evasion of the creditor to accept the execution or other delay on its part.

  • Accepts to deposit monetary sums and securities


In accordance with article 89 of the Basics of Legislation of the RF on Notariat the notary effects executive notes on the documents establishing the debt in order to charge the monetary sums or to vindicate the property from the debtor.

The list of documents pursuant to which the charge is effected in undisputed order on the grounds of the enforcement notes is established by the RF Government.

As well the possibility to effect executive notes is stipulated by item 5, article 358 of the Civil Code of the RF; item 3, article 360 of the Civil Code of the RF; Federal Law “On Pledge”, Federal Law “On Limited Liability Company”.


Our Notary Office attests true copies of documents and extracts therefrom, issued by legal entities or citizens, provided that:

- these documents do not contradict with legislative acts of the Russian Federation and are executed in accordance with statutory acts and statutory acts of the Russian Federation;
- the documents are made in Russian or have duly executed translation.

Copies of statutory acts are not subject to notarial attestation.

1. Attestation of copies of documents

• Attestation of true copies of documents, copies from the copies and extracts from the documents
• Attestation of true copies of constituent documents, copies from the copies, copies of amendments to constituent documents

2. Certification of authenticity of signature:

• of citizens on the document
• on document from Individual Undertaker
• on document from the legal entity
• on applications to Inspection of Federal Taxation Service and bank cards
• on translations